Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Symptoms Sickle Cell Anemia More Condition_symptoms What Are Signs And Symptoms Of Sickle Cell Anemia.?

What are signs and symptoms of sickle cell anemia.? - symptoms sickle cell anemia more condition_symptoms

Well, it's almost not if you're not sure what to make of the symptoms, so no worries. However, if you just curious ... The symptoms are usually one of three things in relation

Chronic anemia 1), this leads to a reduction in carrying capacity, changes in the bone structure of the front produced (due to excess blood cells in the bone marrow), chronic cardiac stress (which can sometimes lead to chronic heart failure), etc.

2) Sickle cell crisis: abnormal red blood cells exposed to stress or low oxygen levels (for instance, if you had to climb, or the flu, or very dry), that sickle "have any problems to the small blood vessels of the body, which blocked, causing pain, swelling and other symptoms that we as "sickle crisis" and "acute chest syndrome.

3) Autosplenectomy is the loss of slowness in the first 5-6 years of life to someone who has sickle cell anemia. This occurs because the spleen OvertimeCleaning of the abnormal shape of red blood cells. Over time, it shrinks and dies, leaving the body with a slightly altered immune system. For this reason, people with sickle cell anemia are more susceptible to certain types of infections, blood, and should therefore receive more vaccines than others and / or preventive antibiotics every day to protect themselves.

There are many other problems and symptoms of sickle cell anemia, but this kind of sums up the key. People with sickle cell anemia gene (sickle train companies'') versions may have very mild symptoms, but usually no symptoms.


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