Monday, December 7, 2009

Anniversary Verses What Can I Say On My Parent's Anniversary?

What can I say on my parent's anniversary? - anniversary verses

Anniversary of my parents arrive this weekend and I have great difficulty, a map or get a verse or a poem for her. I looked through store cards and the Internet and find their hands empty. I want something very special. Say something, it did not matter, all the problems we have had recently, I still love him, but a little more luxury. If anyone can be an idea or a site that would verify a big help. Thank you!


mamadeir... said...

I speak from the heart and make you well.

Jan Stolz said...

The words of the heart are very much appreciated and made more valuable than any card. Simply write exactly how you feel, give (or read) them. I guarantee you will be exacerbated.

elite_wo... said...

I say thank you
Thank you very much for his parents
intended to encourage the person who
Thank you for everything you think

Fck Yo Couch! said...

Suffice it to say, Happy Birthday and wish you all together next ten years ... i luv y'all

islandgi... said...

Everyone here says the same thing for you, your heart. But your the only one who really knows how much and does nothing them.Parents love their children everything they want is your love, respect, and watch grow into a beautiful adult.You not find a card or fancy words say to come to the Internet, everything you need to do is look in the mirror, close your eyes, you ask what I think about my parents? .. Have from the moment where he was born, a sleepless night that his mother had seen it, so you're even in these days when we feel unwell. Imagine all the tears that his mother had since his illness, or you do not cease to mourn, and maybe she is crying because he loves you so much. Now think about your father all the time he spent away from you, because you gain their lives so that we have everything that you can offer. Imagine seeing these days that he wished he could be home, her precious baby to sleep, sing, but because their work. Imagine my joy to her parents wthan if you say his first words, and the day you do your first step into ..... These are the things you have to say, not all the problems that have occurred in the past. Life is short, and you can skip to the last minute by his parents, both embrace and say, God bless the parents gave to you now ...
I wish you all the best and I know you do well this weekend. I am a mother of 3 beautiful children whom I love ...

Tapestry... said...

Take her to dinner this week .. which is always nice. If this is not like a grocery store to get the complete dinner. Add a little dessert. The food is always welcome.

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