Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finnish Real Names What Do You Do When You Like Two Guys And They Seem Like They Both Like You Back?PART 1?

What do you do when you like two guys and they seem like they both like you back?PART 1? - finnish real names

Okay, so for them the two children and I do not use their real names, so you would do, and Peter
IVE, where a thing for the brand, Novermber 06, and so I started talking to him and I mean "really" know, February-07 April and spoke on the phone for hours almost every day, and eventually would in this way Boy the things I've got my jokes and gave me hugs, and sometimes you would with an "I love you" when we were about to hang up the phone to make and not meant as a joke is and how it closed, put his arm around me all the time, and we `d hug and stuff, but we never kissed. But then, as in May, I left the class with him and learned from their parents and cried my father, and he stopped talking to me for about 3 months and in August we were to speak again and the same things Wernt (Continued in Part 2) Cuz I do not have enough space to Finnish :-( My little story


windblow... said...

Mark wants. Forget the other guys.

Zach H said...

I can not answer if you have nothing to Peter ..
In any case, Mark seems to be on very good terms with you.

Zach H said...

I can not answer if you have nothing to Peter ..
In any case, Mark seems to be on very good terms with you.

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