Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nut Dispenser I Got Bored I Peed In The Soap Dispenser. It Was A Joke I Need Answers?

I got bored I peed in the soap dispenser. It was a joke I need answers? - nut dispenser

In short, I went to a party with my family, I was bored, peeing in the laundry soap dispenser PPL When washing hands with my urine. I also went for drinks @ PPL salt and pepper in the food industry, without knowing it. Someone was allergic to pepper began to vomit. Is I've already shot from my aunt called me at 4 years old, should be in diapers blah, blah. Not allowed to take the Drivers Ed now, because my parents think I'm too immature. How do I change the spirit of this Friday is the deadline to register. Thank This


Hulalala... said...

Lol I think what he was with the soap dispenser is hilarious (and I'm 35 !)........ might act at the time to mature, but ...... If your parents Drivers Ed can not let you down now, you learn to drive soon, I do not want all the time!

pesty_de... said...

This is not only unpleasant but also unhealthy and dangerous. I think he had the extreme kindness of his parents and my punishment was not to be so minor. I consider myself very lucky and wait, if I were you. And do yourself a favor, do not forget these things for themselves, because after the appearance of an immature loser.

carlaz said...

I have this question for the first time I sent the version (more details ... that would help his lil bro), like when a child does not sound too young to college who wants to follow a course of severe Drivers Ed ... Blunt, strictly speaking, are immature to a course that requires no ideas mature and take responsibility ... youre in the fate of their parents ... because as far as IM concerned easier!

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